After several months, then wonderful wash-out! New happening. Great one! Nothing you can see but something you can feel. Please enjoy this incidence for a while and then a new start will begin. Ever changing!
There were some signs written. They gave me some additional ideas. Quite unexpected ones came out. Interesting! Thanks to ones near my art. Great opportunity.
To connect you and my art. Feeling the chain of the vibration of the hearts. It is very delicate but strong. Putting awareness on it, it is telling something but nothing. Quit clam and comfortable. The silent moment afterward.
Born in Kyoto, Japan.
Studied art in the USA.
1981 MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art:
1979 MFA Otis Art Institute of Los Angeles County:
1969 BL Kawansei Gakuin University, Japan:
Every weekend from spring to fall, I practice Chalk Drawing in the park.