Yes, ever changing, growing, expanding in my heart. Giving a kick into my mind and growing in my heart. It is saying to me, "Let's keep moving, get going, and keep smiling."
It is a lot of fun to be with and play with. Thank you.
There is some more expansion of the last week's work. Never ending ever changing. Moving to where? Nobody knows. Let it be! It is alive as we are. Keep changing, keep growing, keep moving. It is very fun to be with. Talking to me somehow.
Born in Kyoto, Japan.
Studied art in the USA.
1981 MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art:
1979 MFA Otis Art Institute of Los Angeles County:
1969 BL Kawansei Gakuin University, Japan:
Every weekend from spring to fall, I practice Chalk Drawing in the park.