October is my last month to work at the park. I have enjoyed very much this year again. This is the last work for this year. I hope you have enjoyed as much as I have. Then I will be working in my studio for the winter.
See you again in next spring at the park. Thank you very much for your kindness.
After several months, then wonderful wash-out! New happening. Great one! Nothing you can see but something you can feel. Please enjoy this incidence for a while and then a new start will begin. Ever changing!
There were some signs written. They gave me some additional ideas. Quite unexpected ones came out. Interesting! Thanks to ones near my art. Great opportunity.
To connect you and my art. Feeling the chain of the vibration of the hearts. It is very delicate but strong. Putting awareness on it, it is telling something but nothing. Quit clam and comfortable. The silent moment afterward.
Unconsciously, you blink and then you see something. Without any attention, the next step continues. Let it goes as it is. Just enjoy the moment. Surrender!
It's been some time since I talked to you here. Not neglecting to say anything but enjoying the process of the works. I will show how I did after that. Enjoy!
Expanding the thoughts is very fun. You will never expect what will come next. Just let your sprit to flow. Then, you will notice that it will be coming. Just like breathing. In and out. Breath with the air flow. Just like Life.
My art is a process, not a purpose or structure. Awareness on the art leads me into the process. Just effortlessly, be there. We do have unlimited imagination and creativity. Let us unite them into life. Everything is a process. Never ending, ever changing.
Quite nice to be with the nature. It speaks up. During the conversation, it gives me feedback. Calmly, but firmly. Do not forget to trust and respect each other. Great moments to work with it.
It was very nice to see some of my old friends in the park. We greet each other and ask how you are. It is a moment of sharing and caring even though we do not talk much. Noticing some or little change of the works. It is good enough to me. Full of joy!
Yes, ever changing, growing, expanding in my heart. Giving a kick into my mind and growing in my heart. It is saying to me, "Let's keep moving, get going, and keep smiling."
It is a lot of fun to be with and play with. Thank you.
There is some more expansion of the last week's work. Never ending ever changing. Moving to where? Nobody knows. Let it be! It is alive as we are. Keep changing, keep growing, keep moving. It is very fun to be with. Talking to me somehow.
The drawing was progressed as shown. A lady came over and said it looked like a life. It is "Ever changing, no ending", which I intend to do so. It is more interesting and challenging. You do not know what will be next. The viewer can enjoy, too.
If everyone can enjoy, the works are very successful. It is difficult to be free. If you are really free, the artworks can tell you. When I was drawing this one, the little girl came to me and joined a small part as though she knew what she had to do. Great moment for me! She taught me how. Thank you.
We had some bad weather a couple of weeks ago. I, however, managed some works. I can expand some more on them or besides them.The rain helps the images to be settled on the pavement. There are new things happening everyday. It is great! I thank the welcoming words from some of the friends.
I returned to the park as I announced last. It's been about six months since I enjoyed the drawing there last year. From the park you can look at the statue of the Liberty. I came back at the middle of April starting new ones. I have waited until the weather got warm up. The first day was very nice but still little cool. Then we had a very hot weekend a couple of weeks ago. Just like the summer. Until then I took a little trip back to Japan in March. Tokyo, the busy city, Kyoto where I was born, and Kumamoto where my wife 's home town. I met some friends and family there. It was very good to see them, because I seldom go back there. From now on, every weekend I will be working the chalk drawing in the BPCP on the sunny days. Stop by when you get nearby.
Born in Kyoto, Japan.
Studied art in the USA.
1981 MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art:
1979 MFA Otis Art Institute of Los Angeles County:
1969 BL Kawansei Gakuin University, Japan:
Every weekend from spring to fall, I practice Chalk Drawing in the park.